no regrets, really

17 November 2004 @ 23:46
my mood

I don't regret getting hurt in basic. My elbow is better now, for the most part, and twinges only occassionally. It's a good reminder that I'm still alive.

I don't regret signing on the dotted line. Yeah, the women in my unit suck but I wouldn't trade the guys for anything. I might not enjoy deployment ceremonies, but it gives me an insight to all of this business that I wouldn't have had otherwise. I know that having the band there means something to them. I know I'm not doing my job for nothing.

I don't regret learning multiple instruments and not concentrating on clarinet. I don't have a problem with not being the "cream of the crop" anymore. I don't have the will to deal with the competition. I would rather play for fun, than for a profit.

I don't regret dropping out of Music Education. Yes, I like to teach. Maybe someday I will teach. But it won't be music. A Mus Ed degree won't allow me to do the things I want to in my personal life.

I don't regret not picking up a Computer major from the start. I think this helps, knowing what I want to do, where I want to do, and how to get there. It just took me awhile.

I don't regret my relationship with Keith -- not one minute. I don't care how much drama I went through, I highly doubt I would have done anything differently. We are good friends, we have been good friends, and I hope that I can hold myself together to maintain that friendship. We need different things from life right now and can't really provide what the other needs. He needs someone to help him around the house, to be his constant companion, to be there when he needs her. He needs someone to build a stable partnership with. I need someone who can keep up with me, can keep me on my toes, can grow with me. We can't provide the other with that and we've always been upfront with that. There are worse things that could have happened.

I don't regret moving back home. Things aren't as bad as I thought they could be. Yes, you were right.

I don't regret booking the Brazil trip, and I won't regret it. This has been something that I've wanted to do for years, and I'm finally able to do it.

I don't regret deciding to meet and spend a week with Andre, whom I met through ICQ. Yeah, it's a little scary. But it's good to be scared.

There is nothing wrong with me. There is nothing wrong with what I do or who I am. All of this -- and more -- has played a part of who I am. And I don't regret that one bit.

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