
22 April 2004 @ 11:39
my mood

The neighbor is chasing around two of her stallions -- one is a mini and the other is full-size -- while flicking what looks like a riding whip. Why? I have no idea. She is certainly terrorizing them. She might be trying to get them away from the barn, but it's such a nasty dreary day that I don't blame the horses for wanting to stay close to it. Then she tries to offer up hay to see if they'll come to her. Of course they won't.

We just watch her and laugh. Idiot. As if a whip will get you what you want from the horses.

In other news, my brother stopped by to "visit" last night. And his girlfriend actually got out of the car and came inside with him. Not that she did anything but stand there silently, looking like she was partaking in something that was just so horribly depressing. Not like my brother looked much better, and I know he's not doing much besides going to work part-time at Radio Shack and finishing high school online.

And of course since I was there and the atmosphere was already tense (Travis didn't bother to come downstairs to say hello), I just told him what no one else in this house would. That he only comes to visit when he wants something. How that doesn't really qualify as a visit because it's in and out. That he's only family when it's convenient for him. That he should just purchase the items he's looking for.

When he tried to leave without saying goodbye to anyone, he told Mom that he wasn't coming back since I was being a bitch to him and that it was no different from when I moved out. Okay, fine, call me a bitch because I said what I felt needed to be said, regardless if it provoked him or not. But when he moved out, it was definitely not the same as when I moved out. He practically ran away. His was an abrupt reaction that was triggered. The parentals knew what was going on and it was planned in my case. But, his perception is skewed and I am, and I have I feeling that I will always be, his example for trying to get off the hook.

If he ever says "Well, Annie did it!" in front of me I will not hold back.


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