but really

23 May 2006 @ 18:48
my mood

I swear, this current block of instruction is driving us all to drink. Had I not gone out last night, I'm pretty sure that I would be out there now.

The club isn't a good place for me to hang out in anyways, considering the male to female ratio at this place.

The New Instructor Man seems cool. He made sure that we got through the line before noon (long story about the lunch line), he's been really personable, and he's actually been able to answer our questions.

We are impressed.

Two of my (male) classmates and I were able to make the shuttle driver laugh the entire way between the chow hall and the library. We were discussing the different types of crazy and who deals with the craziest people in their civilian jobs.

As much as I <3 Bossman and the crew, I still say they're the craziest.

I'm still being told that I have to go on AT. Have I mentioned that I really don't want to? Also, have I mentioned that I would really like to see the regulation that governs this?

I think I'm just going to email my other First Sergeant.

Have I mentioned that I hated being between units?

I can't wear a skirt on this installation without being catcalled. And I like my skirt, dammit.

Today is just one of those days when I want to go home.

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