good day!

25 May 2006 @ 20:10
my mood

New instructor, new blocks of instruction, and they're telling us that we might be done early.

With the weekend off. The whole weekend.

Can I get a what what?

Unfortunately, the club will be closed. All. Effin'. Weekend.

I don't need to go out anyways.

There are birds chirping. But no booms, no gunfire. How nice, eh?

There is a ray of hope glimmering on the horizon that I may not have to go on AT. I've emailed who I've needed to email, I've got sergeants in my corner backing me up, and I'm hoping that everything will be golden.

Only I'm afraid to tell my roommate. Oh well. I'll probably never see her again anyways.

I had a former Special Ops guy stop me in Wal-Mart today. He told me how he nearly avoided death 5 times. Creepy. He was there, shopping for his daughter and his wife.

I wonder if he has nightmares about his time in service?

I was actually embarassed to tell him that I was training to be a Human Resources Specialist.


Off to go do... something. A shower and blowing stuff up is at the top of that list.

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