convo with JP!

12 January 2006 @ 03:40
my mood

Okay, I lied. I can't sleep.

Just after I finished the last entry, I got an email from JP, asking for Andr�'s cell phone number. Being the good friend and girlfriend I am, and remembering that I owed JP a telephone call anyways, I rung him up.

We ended up talking for an hour. Which is amazing, given the fact that he doesn't get to practice speaking and listening in English much. He didn't quite understand the words I was saying, but he grasped the idea which was enough for us to bumble on along. Ahhh... it was nice. We gossiped and talked about family and friends and life and love and computers and travel plans and the beach.

Ah, only four more months until I get to see him and everyone else.

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