conflicting wedding plans

10 January 2006 @ 05:23
my mood

Before I even write this entry there are two things you should know:

  1. There was an entry before this.
  2. No, I'm not engaged!
Just so we're clear on that.

With all of the wedding craziness that's gone on within the past year, plus the cancer scare, plus the painfully slow semesters, plus distance and sheer boredom, Andr� and I have talked about weddings and engagements and all of that fun crap.

There's a few things you should know about me, if you don't already know them. My family is huge. Therefore, any wedding of mine will be a huge event. I don't particularly want my father or my brother to walk me down the aisle -- I'd rather go alone. I was raised Catholic, but never went through confirmation and therefore don't feel I can get married in the Catholic church. Catholic weddings are about an hour long and are just about a full mass. I've sat through my share of those and I don't want to be the center of it. I hate to be in the center of things anyways. I don't want to spend a year of my life going over minute details and dresses and colors and locations.

So basically, my dream wedding is a simple affair. Show up in whatever nice clothes you have, watch us sign the wedding license, go home, change, party all night. My only wish is for my friends and family to be there.

Only.... Andr� wants a very traditional Catcholic wedding. White, long dress, the hour long ceremony, matching colors, flowers... the whole nine yards. Not because he's a devout Catholic, but rather because he feels that in order for his marriage to be recognized by God, it needs to be done in the church. He knows my feelings about this, and just states that it's his only wish. White dress, Catholic church, Brazilian priest, tradition tradition tradition.

Talk about polar opposites.

Plus if we do get married, his family will end up doing most of the planning. They know where to find everything, who to talk to, they just happen to speak Portuguese... So the control freak in me? Has no control. Except over the dress. Which has to be long. And white.

All because the boy asked "Can you please let me have this? It's only an hour of your life!" If the wedding was happening here, I know he would have little to no say about it.

I'm not really bitter about it, I just feel that my beliefs and wishes aren't being respected or of the same value as his. And there's not really a way to bring my beliefs and wishes into it. There's no way for me to plan. Yeah, just a little frustrating.

Eh, it's not like I'm engaged anyways.

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