ABC survey

10 January 2006 @ 23:28
my mood

Stolen from Ms Brazil, who stole it from someone else. Yeah, I really don't feel like writting a real entry tonight.

A-Accent: When speaking English, I have a nice Northeastern Ohio accent, the one you hear on TV. I also pick up a bit of a "Wisconsin" accent every now and then. When I attempt to speak Portuguese, I have a really bad American accent. And when I speak French, you can hear the Portuguese.
B-Breakfast item: Orange juice or green tea.
C-Cheerfulness: Not so much.
D-Drink: cranberry and vodka, pina colada
E-Essential everyday item: MP3 player
F-Flavor: strawberry or pineapple
G-Gold or silver?: silver
H-Hometown: small town Ohio, USA
I-I Knew Them When: uhh..? huh?
J-Joys: my baby cousins, the sound of Ded�'s voice in my ear, and my job
K-Kids: none
L-Living arrangements: big-ish American house that my grandparents built and my uncle added on to
M-Morning person: only when the Army or travel plans makes me be so
N-Number of pets in the house: 3 cats
O-Overnight hospital stays: when Keith had his gallbladder removed
P-Phobias: the dark, heights, getting lost, not being understood (in a foreign language)
Q-Queer?: Queer friendly
R-Religious affiliation: none, really
S-Siblings: One brother.
T-Travel: 2 foreign countries, Canada and Brazil. Dozens of states. Most of the midwest.
Unnatural hair color: nope.
V-Vegetable you refuse to eat: green beans. or just beans.
W-Worst habit: nail biting
X-X-rays you've had: teeth, head, neck, wrist
Y-Yummy: guarana, pineapple ice cream, pierogi, lobster, escargot
Z-Zodiac sign: Gemini

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