I understand, and it scares me

19 August 2005 @ 01:05
my mood

I am understanding more Portuguese without even trying. It's starting to scare me. Really, really scare me.

I'm trying not to think too much of it -- Ded� congradulates me occasionally -- but it's downright scary. I don't study Portuguese. Heck, I can barely communicate in French. And yet I'm understanding. It's some freaky stuff.

Okay, okay, I'll explain. I made peanut butter cookies today. The recipe is really simple: a cup of sugar, a cup of peanut butter, one egg. Now, it doesn't make a lot of cookies (my batch had 15) but it's quick, easy, and delicious. M�nica, Andr�'s sister, wanted to know what I put in the batter and how to make more. Now, granted, she stood there and asked questions that I'm sure a five year old here can answer and pointed at things -- but I understood. Could I really answer her? No. But I knew what she wanted. That's sure a step in the right direction!

Later, Naldo, Ded�'s brother, asked me if I liked where he worked. I understood. Earlier that day, I watched a talk show and actually understood what they were talking about. I feel like I should get an award or something...or start studying formally.

Today, M�e took Andr� and I to the place where Naldo works and M�e volunteers. It's a place for children and adults who have handicaps -- some mental, some physical, some both. This place has a great big area to play, a dentist office, a hair salon, several classrooms including math and Portuguese labs, an area for small children, lots and lots of stuff for physical therapy (including water therapy and a "walking room"), all sorts of stuff for mental/emotional therapy, music therapy, a psychologist, social services.... everything. I was genuinely amazed at both the facility and the people inside. The government is supposed to support it but doesn't, so all of the support comes from businesses, local individuals, and volunteers. It's really truly amazing.

And yes, I liked it very very much. Just thinking about it makes me smile.

Dear Rocky,

I saw a hippie today. Or at least I think I did. Long hair, ponytail, music t-shirt, generally laidback appearance and personality... yeah, I'm pretty sure it was a hippie of sorts.

He was teaching a bunch of kids at the school where Naldo works to play drums together. And you want to know what? For about 3 seconds, arising from all of the irregular rhythms, they all played a strong regular beat together. And he was leading them.

It made me smile.

I finally took care of my shopping today. Jeans and sweaters -- cheap and well-made. Well, they're cheap after the exchange rate. Finding nice fitting jeans at home? A nightmare. Finding them here? Super easy, because they have both a height and a waist/hip size for women's jeans. Who would have thought! (Don't tell me, "oh, there's tall/regular/petite in the States!" because I can never find anything that fits right everywhere without spending US$100 on a single pair of jeans... sorry, I'm a poor college student.)

Sweaters were a bit easier. They're only made in one size here, so it was more of finding ones that were thick enough for the weather back home.

But anyone want to take a guess where we had to go to find said sweaters? Anyone? The store where Flavia works. Andr� was trying to avoid it like the plague, and I don't think I bothered to ask him why. Only she wasn't there when we were, so I'm sure her friend will have plenty to say about Andr� and his gringa girlfriend. And how much money said gringa girlfriend spent.

I can only imagine how that conversation will go.

Another strange bump in the night. Andr� didn't get up to investigate (that I know of, at least) and the neighborhood dogs didn't sound the alarm. I guess this time I really shouldn't be worried.

Note to self: two glasses of wine + a lot of yummy ice cream + whatever nasty bug I picked up + staying up half the night = not a good idea

I've been feeling icky again. But it's the let me curl up in bed and could you please hold me? icky. At least it's not the oh my this feels like mono can I die now? icky.

I have a nice boyfriend who makes me ginger tea.

Note to self: flu vaccine? Probably a good idea next time.

We're going back to S�o Jos� dos Campos soon. So I can do that whole getting on the plane thing again. Not looking forward to that part. But, it will be nice to see Francesca, Dudu and JP. As well as Ded�'s grandparents, whom I didn't see while we were waiting for American Airlines to reunite me with my luggage.

M�e or M�nica told Andr� that food poisoning has been going around the entire city. Which means two things. One, at least I'm not the only one sick. Two, it probably was something I ate at the Festival.

It's quiet. I can't hear the PS2. Must be bedtime. It's time to stop the random dribble anyways.

Boa noite,

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