live, from Brazil... and still alive

17 August 2005 @ 21:32
my mood

With all of the excitement about food last night, I forgot to mention the very loud thud that woke up all of the neighborhood dogs. This included Andr�'s mostly deaf dog, who can't hear anything less than a yell. So, between the very loud thud and all of the dogs barking an alarm, Andr� felt compelled to go to the exterior parts of the house to check things out.

Me, the stupid American, thought "oh, it's just a bump in the night," and didn't think too much of it afterwards. I mean, the thud was loud, but hey, we're alright so all is fine, right? So I played on my computer for awhile, surfed the 'Net for awhile, and went to bed without a second thought.

This morning Pai found a hole in the roof caused by a thrown rock. And just why was this hole created? So the same young punk that was responsible for the very loud thud could throw in mirrors stolen from his first victim. Now, why would anyone steal mirrors from a car only to throw them inside of someone else's fence? Seriously, if you're young and are that bored late at night -- a school night, nonetheless -- you need to find something better (and hopefully more productive!) to do. Young punk.

In other news, I think I saw Ded�'s last ex today. Or rather, a girl on the back of a motorcycle saw me and Andr� thought it was his last ex. Personally, I've never really seen her to be able to recognize her. I could pass her on the street and not have a clue, but she would know exactly who I am.

See, Flavia has seen me exactly one other time -- that I know of, anyways -- on the back of Andr�'s motorcycle seven months ago. Not like that matters, because since zipping past her on the back of a motorcycle holding on for dear life I've had a haircut...and the fact that lots and lots of women here have long, dark hair. But that's not the thing. Flavia has a twin. And Flavia's twin has definitely seen me at least once, and not just on the back of a motorcycle holding on for dear life. Which means that she's definitely seen both me and Andr� wearing silver rings. They've known of the ring -- Andr�'s worn his for months and when he's talked to Flavia, she's seen it.

And now? Now Flavia -- if it even was her -- has seen who wears the other ring. Because there's no way to miss a flash of silver on a hand of a girl who is gripping the bars of a gate while watching another girl on the back of a motorcycle zoom by.

Andr� never gave Flavia a silver ring. It must be a shock for her to see the new girlfriend -- the one that is never around -- wearing one.

I know I'm mildly curious about her -- does she feel the same way about me?

A note about the last picture I posted, since I didn't bother to say another other than: "Look, it's me with junk food that I probably shouldn't be eating!!" I'm wearing the scarf that M�e knitted for me, which is really really nice. Also, t's winter here -- hence the scarf and coat and sweater. It's not too cold, not like Ohio at least...but compared to the 100 degree weather I was subjected to while wearing Army uniforms that seem to roast you to death in the summer? I've been a little cold.

And I just realized that I ran waaaay more banners that I intended to, but, hey! That's okay. Gotta use them sometime.

Not much else is going on. We've pretty much stayed inside all day and were lazy. But when you wake up at one o'clock and don't bother to get out of bed until, oh, two o'clock, you'll have that. I told you were lazy.

Anyways. Better things to do, especially if I don't want to have a reputation for consistantly sleeping through lunch.

Boa noite,

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