dammit, Keith!

29 January 2005 @ 22:54
my mood

Keith called last night when I was on the phone with Andr�. That's not a big deal -- we're still talking.

But that's not what he called about.

Sophon wants to meet me.

A psychic in Cambodia told her a bunch of stuff, including things about her past lives and her current life. And me. Well, really not me directly. She was told that Keith had a 20 year old girlfriend.

So she asked Keith about it.

And now she wants to meet me. She thinks that we could be good friends.

Meanwhile, he's telling me this...and all I can think is "Wait, isn't she supposed to be chasing me around with a very sharp knife?" Seriously, what the fuck? Good friends? With me?

I don't want to do it. I don't want to meet her.

Am I wrong for wanting that?

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