scheduling, school, and Missouri

02 February 2005 @ 23:35
my mood

The gods of scheduling shouldn't put me down for Thursday mornings when I don't get home from school until 11 PM on Wednesday nights.

At least I have Thursday evening off. That's always a plus.

School is a fifth of the way over. And I'm already behind. Yes, I'm such a slacker.

Andr� has surgery tomorrow. Well, another surgery. After this one he'll have two more.

They are small, simple surgeries, so I'm not worried too much. Plus he's not in pain anymore. Which is good. Very good. Had I known it was this bad, I would have dragged him to the damn hospital myself.

I'm working on getting myself out to Missouri for a portion of spring break. The problem I've been having is that plane tickets are way too expensive at this point, the train leaves Cleveland at 4:21 in the morning, and I really don't want to spend 15 or 17 hours in transit by bus. So, I have a dilemma of sorts.

And to bed. Because the gods of scheduling are evil.

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