not a hardcore college student

28 January 2005 @ 10:26
my mood

Andr� called and woke me up this morning. Only, he forgot about the time difference and called at 6:00 in the morning. Nice thought, but way too fucking early.

And now he can't call for awhile, because his phone card that had $20 on it yesterday has a grand total of $0.21 on it today. Ehh..I'll recharge it eventually.

In other news, it is 3�F (roughly -16�C) outside. And I'm supposed to be on campus right now. But, quite frankly, it is just too effing cold to bother going to school. The day I went when it was 7�F was pretty bad. I'm just not going to torture myself like that.

Mom and I got into an argument about it this morning. She said I should just suck it up and go, or at least make some of my classes. The only classes that I really want to go to today are Anthropology and French. I'm already running late for Anthro, so I'm not going to bother. I can't really afford to miss much French, but I'll be okay.

She's not paying for it anyways!

Honestly, I really want to be in college. I really want to go to my classes. But when it's 3�F outside? No, sorry, I'm just not that hardcore.

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