not a bad visit, really

26 September 2004 @ 12:13
my mood

Keith: "I missed you."
Annie: "I missed you, too."
Keith: "No you didn't!"
Annie: "I've been busy!"
Keith: "I know, I know."

Have we regressed into these little probing games to see if the other is really genuine?

They've finally hired more people at the prison that Keith works at. At first, I was excited -- Keith wouldn't be working as much overtime. Then, he mentions that money is going to be really tight and he'll probably have to pick up a part-time job. Then I wasn't excited anymore.

All of this is going on and he's bringing in another person that he has to support because she can't contribute anything. And I mentioned that to him. We talked about it for a little bit longer, and it pretty much ended with him saying something about me moving in with him and him having to support me.

My reply?

"At least I could work!"

I have been a little bit bitchy about all of this lately. But honestly, would you rather deal with a slightly bitchy woman who's at least willing to talk about it or deal with an emotional mess?

The end result of all of that was my discovery that Sophon could work while awaiting her green card.

I may be bitchy, but at least I'm helpful.

Although it sounds like a horrible visit, it wasn't. I really am glad I decided to visit this weekend.

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