amusing bits

26 September 2004 @ 23:09
my mood

This morning I woke up with Goober curled up next to me, with a hazy memory of Keith kissing me goodbye hours earlier.

I've always liked how he did that.

Keith and I were finishing up hanging posters yesterday in the Short North when a store owner asked if we were husband and wife. Of course he replied and said that no, we're just boyfriend and girlfriend. As I stepped out of the shop, I stopped and turned to make a smartass remark to Keith and was nearly hit by a bike before I had a chance to say anything. (Yeah, you can tell that I'm from the country.)

I was just surprised that someone didn't ask me if I was his daughter. Not to say that I didn't get a few weird looks from college age guys as were we walking near campus.

While I'm thinking about the age difference, I tagged along to a birthday party for one of Keith's friends. When I finally got over being shy, one of the men asked me how old I was.

A bit later, when Keith went inside from the deck to watch part of a football game with the guys, he said that their reaction was along of the lines of:

"20?! 20?! Dude! Way to go!"
Of course they were polite enough not to say anything in front of me, but I found it damn funny when he told me about it afterwards.

What can I say? He's a dirty old man.

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