missing kitty, odd boyfriend

19 September 2004 @ 19:20
my mood

Two things.

First, I think Shithead has either ran away or has been hit by a gas-guzzling SUV belonging to a country club member. It rained two days ago, and I refused to let the cats outside that day. Yesterday morning I let him and Rico out. Rico came back inside before I left for work. Shithead didn't come inside with me last night -- I figured he would want back inside in the morning. I still haven't seen any sign of Shithead and I'm a bit worried. He doesn't disappear like this.

Second, Keith mentioned that he wants to come visit me next weekend. I've always gone to see him. Yeah, it would be nice not to drive to Columbus to see him for once. But it would be weird having him here instead. Especially with Sophon's interview a week from Tuesday.

Eh, must think happy thoughts.

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