Okay, so this wasn't short, quick, or painless. Sue me.

21 September 2004 @ 01:09
my mood

Short, quick, and painless. I promise.

Shithead came back after the parentals returned from their weekend in Michigan for some motorcycle thing. Apparently he was waiting to hear a garage door open, which didn't happen over the weekend because I was lazy.

Keith is not coming next weekend. This is good, because I really don't feel like cleaning the house on top of doing schoolwork. He has to work overtime on Sunday. I haven't decided if it's worth it for me to drive to Columbus to spend Saturday with him.

Called Andre again. Got information from him so I'm all set to apply for my visa once my passport is delivered. Apparently my package for him arrived today, which also happens to be his dad's birthday. His dad joked that for his birthday he got a package from the USA. Also, one of Andre's cousins died today of AIDS. He doesn't want to go with his parents to the funeral. Hospitals, sickness, and death upset him greatly. And taking a day off of work now would mean one less day to spend with me when I'm visiting him.

This week is "Let's test Annie's brains out!" week. Not amused. I'm less than halfway done with my biology take home exam. Wednesday is Day One of Idiot Computer Test Number One. Oh, and I'm having issues with simple French verbs. Verbs that I learned four or five years ago. Ugh.

My brain is fried. Do I get a replacement?

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