beginning of frustration

06 May 2004 @ 00:50
my mood

With Dad being more and more mobile everyday, I find myself looking forward to the day he goes back to work. I can't leave the house without him, which is really hindering on the job hunting and textbook selling and banking trips I need to make. It seems like the only escape I have is hiding in the basement under the guise of coding. Only, you know, he can go up and down stairs now too.

And the major activity has been going to a different local Wal-Mart almost everyday. Amusing? Yes. Growing old? Definitely. (Did I mention that we're marking the more distant ones with the GPS?) Otherwise, our days haven't been very productive.

I can tell he's getting bored with being home. Mom seems to resent the fact that we do next to nothing all day. He's kind of gimpy and we're both content to stay at home. I want to go out, but I want to go out by myself -- something that I don't forsee happening.

At least this isn't permanent.

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