I am a geek. Hear me roar.

04 May 2004 @ 23:59
my mood

Today I performed VooDoo on a computer and *gasp!* got paid for it. Really, I don't know everything about computers, but I guess what I do know is a lot more than the average user.

Sometimes I assume that most people my age use computers like I do and I am often surprised. They can be just as bad as some of my parent's friends or my grandmother. It's a small reminder that not everyone spent a good portion of their tween and teenage years staring at a computer monitor.

And now I'm sure you're wondering why it took so long for me to decide that I want to be a geek when I grow up. Some things make sense -- like the sun rising every morning and setting every evening. Others don't -- like driving on the left side of the road in the States. Even if something doesn't make sense I'm still allowed to be stubborn about it.

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