going to the country

11 April 2004 @ 12:10
my mood

I told my parents that I would see them in the morning. It is now noon. It is an hour drive to their house and I am by no means ready to leave. This is similiar to the "early afternoon" arrival time in Muncy that turned out to be 7:00 pm. So I'm not the best about estamating what time I'll be some place.

It's not like I mean to do this stuff. When you work second shift and don't get home until half past midnight, it's a bit hard (for me at least) to wake up before 10:00 am due to the fact that I'm lucky if I fall asleep by 2:00 am. This, right now, is normal. It's not going to be normal forever. As for the Muncy visit, I don't think I have an excuse for that.

I'm looking forward to a day out in the country. Somehow after spring break I started to appreciate it more.

Must be because I can get away from almost everything there.

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