brother drama

15 March 2004 @ 01:36
my mood

My parents came to shop at my store today while I was working. That was a bit strange since they live an hour away, but this is what my parents do after one of their children gets employed.

Mom and I talked and straightened up an aisle. She dug around in Travis' room a bit and is suddenly convinced that he had this planned for a long time. Yes, he had planned it -- or at least realized what it meant he'd be giving up -- but it wasn't something long and drawn out. She is grabbing at reasons for why he moved out. It seems that she's looking for anything that will console her. Travis is stubborn and impulsive. There is no rhyme or reason behind his actions that we would understand.

I wonder if it makes her feel like a bad parent, especially since I am suddenly receiving all of the attention. Which, by the way, is kind of strange and foreign to me. Mom doted on me when she came to graduation and when I first came back from training, but that was dampered by Travis's issues and my moving out. Now Travis and his issues are gone, and no one out of the three of us are very happy with him. (He owes all of us money, the punk.) And here I am, the good child, the one who is doing her own thing and trying to get her shit together. It's not like I'm begging for attention.

This has been difficult for all of us. I'm still not sure who I am more disgusted with: Travis or my parents. Travis lied about everything. My parents were the ones who didn't check up on anything he said. Travis was behind on schoolwork and my parents take him to Cancun. Travis fails English, Dad threatens that he will go to Springfield, and Travis continues to drive to Columbiana for school in the fall. Travis aquires and hides a bottle of vodka in his room, Mom takes it away and hides it, Dad puts it back in the liquor cabinet that does not lock, Travis drinks the rest of it in one night along when he's home alone with Krista. My parents are also known to not follow through with their threats, whether they realize it or not. So, in my eyes, they're all in the wrong.

The problem is that everyone is trying to get me to agree with them. Not a fun situation to be in the middle of. So it is a good thing that I am living in Akron and not in Youngstown.

In the end, I think I've pretty much allied with my parents, even though I still think they're in the wrong also.

I really don't want to talk to my brother, or even see him. I just want him to give me the money he owes me so I can pay my bills. Eventually, I'm going to make the message clear that I will never ever lend him money or buy something without prior payment again. I have no real reason for this other than I'm tired of him just fucking around. Playing the role of a nuturing older sister sucks ass when you've been deceived.

No more loans. No more lies.

He's paying up, and then I'm through with him.

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