this sucks

03 March 2005 @ 00:09
my mood

A scary thing happened tonight. I was talking to a classmate after the lecture was over in my evening class, and before I knew it, I felt that really strong urge to sit down. I basically collapsed. And when I tried to stand up the next two times -- boom, on the floor again. Ugh.

One of my classmates has medical training (ironically, it was the one I was talking to) and took care of me and asked me all sorts of weird questions... Whether I've ever had a urine test done... If I'm pregnant... If I have anemia... If I have any kidney problems... Stuff that doesn't apply to me. Surely, if I was pregnant, I would have known by now. I did bleed for almost two weeks straight thanks to missing a few pills, and I'm not eating well because of my schedule... So we're thinking that it's a bunch of things.

I still feel a little...ick. There's no good word to describe it. Mom said that if I'm not feeling better in the morning that I better be calling my family doctor. That's the last thing that I need to do tomorrow...

This sucks.

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