sickeningly sweet

29 March 2005 @ 23:14
my mood

Eu: "Eu te amo muito muito muito muito..."
O brasileiro: "Eu te amo muito mais."

Yes, I know it's sickeningly sweet/disgusting, depending on your opinion. I don't care.

I am starting to have mini-conversations with the Brazilian Boy in Portuguese. It's exciting. The other day I called his house and asked for him in a different way other than "Oi! O Andr�?" and his sister starting yapping away at me...I only understood about half of what she said. But I am making good progress.

Now if I could find someone to talk to in French...

And on another random note, I went for a jog today. I felt much better afterwards. I think tomorrow I am going to hit the gym at school, or maybe even the track. The track will help me pace myself, by dividing everything up into 100 meters. But, I need to go lift too. And I only have a few hours between classes.

Now, off to work on my C++ that will, of course, end up being overdue. Oh well.

At� amanh�,

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