Keith's email to Chan

03 July 2004 @ 01:49
my mood

I. Must. Stop. Being. Nosy.

Read Keith's email again. You know, the whole having-the-password-and-being-incredibly-curious -while-he-is-out-of-town thing. His email is set up to save sent messages. So I read them.

After he paid a friend's daughter to clean his house, he couldn't find his passport or other documents. These are things that I do not touch unless I look at them out of curiousity.

He had sent the following email to Sophon's uncle:

I can't find anything? I know it was all together? Can't even find my passport at this point? I'm very confused and frustrated. I'm hoping a jealous woman didn't get smart. I would hate to think that she would go to that extreme to stop things. I even had my house cleaned and organized. i will keep looking.

I can't believe that he would even THINK that I would do that. He never said ANYTHING to me about it.

I had told him months ago that it was his life and whatever he decided was what he decided and that I would just have to live with it.

It still doesn't take the sting away.

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