
15 November 2005 @ 17:27
my mood

Who are these people?

I write about other people a lot. Many come and go from my life (and entries), others are always there but rarely or never mentioned, and some are never here but always mentioned.

Yeah, go figure that one out yourself. Plus, to complicate things, there's more than one country involved.

So, I'm listing the important ones you should know, regardless of how much I write about them.

United States

AKA Clay, Rocky

And this one time, at band camp, Clayton and I sat on the back porch of a cabin. The girls swore up and down I was kissing him. Nope, we were just talking. Apparently that was the first time that he had girls just throwing themselves at him, all because he reminded us of some guy named Chu. And, well, he had an accent. (To this day, he doesn't believe anyone who says anything about an accent.) On and offish relationship for three years, ending it completely the day I shipped off for training. Yup, he was definitely my high school sweetheart. We still talk (quite often) and I make it a point to visit him a couple times of times a year.

AKA Markish, the pseudo-boyfriend

I met Mark while dating Clayton. He knew my handwriting before he knew my voice. Mark and Clay went to school together, and Mark later joined JMB. Since then we've indulged in geeky (both musical and technological) things together. We've gone on a few trips together and I show up to school fuctions, those apparently earning the title of pseudo-girlfriend. But now that Mark has a real girlfriend, I get to step down from that title. Yay for Mark!

AKA Travis, my younger brother

We did band together in school. We were forced to ride together to school, band practice, and where ever else. Thought we were close. But, meh. I don't know. He turned 18, dropped out of high school, and moved in with his girlfriend's family. Been with them ever since and only calls when he wants something.

Parental units

I live with them. I am only the offspring, not the shrink. They are bikers and often hang out with their biker friends. Both used to be smokers. So a bad day around here is when they are both having withdrawls and decide to get on each other's nerves. But they let me run off to foreign countries as long as I call them when I clear immigration and customs. Dad occassionally says stuff in Spanish, otherwise doesn't talk much. I'm waiting for him to have another Spanish/Portuguese conversation with Andr�. Mom likes computer games and will talk to Andr� online.


Okay, so, how to explain this one? First things first. He's in my unit. He talked to me when I was terribly shy and new to the unit. I started to stay at his house on drill weekends, because it was easier than staying at my godmother's house. I went to training. He went to Cambodia to meet his future wife. Somehow between me returning from training and her actually arriving, we hooked up. I helped him with his business, I met his parents and family and friends, and spent many a weekend at his house rather than my appartment in Akron. Then she came, and, meh. She's here, she's still probably not speaking English very well, they're officially married, and she's pregnant. It's hit or miss if I'll chew him out at drill these days. He tries to help me out, but, I'm still hurt. I am such a stupid girl.

My squad

...which now consists of my squad leader, the unit rock star, the tuba player turned bassoonist turned tuba player, the new guy, and myself. I'm the only female in my squad. They, along with other Army buddies (maybe to be added later) are totally supportive and great to work with.

AKA Matt

In my unit. We joined about the same time, are about the same age, and aren't interested in getting totally smashed on AT. He and I wrote during training, to which I am forever grateful for. We have a good friendship, even though we have different stances and views. Coy is studying to be a minister and wants to be a chaplain in the Army. For whatever problem, he is always there to lend an ear and his help. I can never ever repay his kindness and support.

AKA SpeedBump

Also in my unit. Also in my summer Army stuff, both the extra duty and honor guard. The boy has seen me in a skirt, and in a dress. I'm sure this is A Bad Thing. He's either socially retarded or blinded by his crush. Either way, he's a little scary and drives me completely batty. Not very well liked by the unit. Also, he just happens to be in Keith's squad.

Slightly Sexist Annoying Tuba Player

Long story short, he transferred from another unit and was placed in my squad. He's mastering in tuba performance and wants to become an officer. His jokes border on sexual harassment and he's generally insensitive about some things. Due to squad restructuring and friction between him and my squad leader, he was moved out of my squad but is still in the same platoon. Believe me, there was much rejoicing.

Aunt, Uncle, C1, C2, C3, C4

Uncle is one of my mother's brothers. Aunt is his wife -- she's awesome! I stay at their house for drill now, even though it's a 45 minute drive through the city. C1 is their oldest boy, I think he's about 7. He's old enough to use a mouse, so his favorite thing right now is playing checkers online with me and my foreign friends. C2 is the second oldest and is very very active -- broken bones, injuries... I'm hoping he will calm down as he gets older, because his interactions with C1 are wild, crazy, and driving me nuts. But he's a good kid. C3 is the second youngest at 2 or 3. He loves music and is obsessed by marching bands. He used to roll his r's, but he's stopped doing that now and is talking instead. C4 is here, finally! He came early because he was so huge. I won't see him for a little while yet, he's too young. I've watched all of the boys grow up, and I like that.


AKA Ded�, the boy, meu amor, meu gatinho

The boyfriend. We met online, spent many hours on the phone and sent a few letters... and a year or so after meeting him online, I went to Brazil to visit him and my friend Laryssa. And, well, we hit it off. Despite all of my complaints on this diary and to other people, he is a wonderful man despite personal, linguistic, and occasionally cultural differences. (Notice the order I listed those -- we have more clashes as individuals than as someone from America and someone from Brazil.) His first language isn't English, so we've had to deal with many a language barrier. I often joke that my Portuguese-English dictionary is the third person in our relationship. Our first phone conversations were painful for him as I repeated myself over and over and over again... He is definitely an inspiration as far as language learning is concerned. Andr� was adopted as an infant, so we have no idea of what his ethnic background is other than "moreno" nor do we know his family's medical history. (Recent past makes me wonder, though.) He has no desire to find his birth family. So, we are definitely the odd bi-lingual, bi-cultural, and bi-racial couple. Not that I care! It just makes everything a little more interesting.

AKA Jo�o Paulo

First, I must explain why JP's full name is listed as his alias. You see, I can't pronouce the Portuguese �o combination very well, and a name like Jo�o is extremely difficult for me to attempt to pronounce. I don't feel comfortable calling him John (just like I won't call Andr�, Andrew), so he is called JP by me and anyone else who speaks English with me in Brazil. Anyways... JP is Dudu's younger brother. But since you don't know who Dudu is yet, JP is Andr�'s aunt's financ�'s younger brother. He's one of the few in the family that speaks enough English to talk to me, which means -- of course -- instant friend, regardless of relation. Unfortunately, I don't get to spend a lot of time with JP since he lives in a different city than Andr�, but I do get to talk to him online which is good enough!

AKA: An�sia, but I can't pronounce it

Andr�'s mom... she doesn't speak English, but talks to me like a baby on the phone. She likes me and is probably secretly hoping that I'll learn enough Portuguese to hold a conversation with her beyond "hi! how are you?" She likes to watch me yelling at Andr�, and scarily enough, understands sometimes. She is afraid that Andr� and I are going to run off and have English speaking babies and that she won't understand their cries.

AKA: Jos�, and a nickname that I can't pronounce

Andr�'s dad, who always keeps a watchful eye on him. I think the relationship is stronger between Andr� and his dad than it is between Andr� and his mom. Pai gets all excited when I call and forgets that I'm monolingual, not deaf, and practically yells in Portuguese on the phone. He really likes me. He sent home a bottle of peppers with me for my dad, and no one can explain why. He likes watching Andr� talk to me on the phone. I think he watches us talk from time to time.


Andr�'s sister, who also doesn't speak English but really tries to communicate with me. We've managed to find a way, between simple words and gestures. I swear, she has the patience of a saint to deal with me and my Portuguese, especially when Andr� was sick. This is also the woman who decided that I had to try chicken hearts. I still think she's a little evil for that. M�nica and her boyfriend recently decided that they are going to get married, but they haven't set a date.


Andr�'s brother, and, you guessed it, he's monolingual too. Luckily he asks simple things that I can figure out and answer. Naldo loves music, so we can sit on the couch and watch music videos and both be happy. Only he understands everything and I don't.

AKA: Fran

M�e's sister and Andr�'s aunt whom was also adopted. It makes for an interesting time when I try to explain to my parents which part of her family I was with that day. She speaks enough English for us to communicate, which is good enough for me! We're very similiar in many ways. Unfortunately, I only get to see her when I'm in her city.


Francesca's financ�, who is monolingual but manages to bullshit in both Portuguese and English. He works hard and always jokes about everything. Plus, he always carries something like $30 American currency in his wallet... and I only gave him $11 -- I'm still trying to figure this out. His was the last familiar voice I heard when I left Brazil. He and Fran have been dating for years and are currently living together. If memory serves me correctly, they will be getting married in Feburary 2006.


She came to study in the States for a year when we were both in high school. A friend's grandparents hosted her, so we had the same friend base as well as a few common classes. We were pretty close that year. I missed her terribly when she left. A few years later, I dug up her email address and we made plans for me to go to Brazil to visit her over New Year's and afterwards, Andr�. It was soooo worth it.

Hong Kong


Shir and I met through TheSpark, which appears to slowly become defunct. We'll bitch about boys and school and life in general, and I still owe her a boy bitching session in a Starbucks in Hong Kong. She came to visit the States for a month and stayed with me for a little under a week. My favorite memory of her visit was when we were meandering around Chinatown in NYC.



I don't write about him much, and it seems that when I do, it's years apart. There are many many entries about him in i-h8-boys in 2003. He and I lived with the same holding group while I finished training. He also saw me before I started training, since he worked in Reception. Such a gentleman, which will always be imprinted in my mind. Right now he's stationed in Germany, and deployed in Afghanistan. In a few months, he'll be back on his way to Germany! When I study abroad in France, I'm going to visit him. I can't wait.


Greg and Alex are internet buddies and penpals of sorts. Greg lives in Nancy, which is about an hour away from the city that I want to study in. Alex lives in Paris, and will be in the States when I'm in France if everything works out for him. Not much to say about them right now, but good to know.

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