birth control

02 October 2004 @ 14:07
my mood

Yesterday Brian finally decided to show up for class. Finally. Of course he was late, but he showed. That's more than what he's been doing lately.

After class we start talking, which is normal and to be expected since I hadn't seen him in weeks.

He told me that he was taking his girlfriend to Planned Parenthood that day so she could get Emergency Contraception, otherwise known as the morning after pill. Why? Because he had agreed to have sex without a condom. And, after the fact, she's freaking out about it even though it was her idea.

Brian is a bit upset about it. He's the one paying for it (since she can't remember when her last period was) and he doesn't have a lot of money in the bank.

As he was telling me:

"Can we have sex without a condom tonight? Sure! Can I put a gun to your head? Absolutely!"

This is the second guy friend of mine that has had to deal with a possible pregnancy or a pregnancy within the last year. It makes me a bit nervous. If they're slacking with the birth control, will I?

I try to think of myself as rather responsible with it, though. But, just like everyone else, I screw up sometimes. There are days when I take my pill late. I've left them at work overnight. I've ordered my next month's supply just a little to late. Granted, I'm not perfect, but the little stupid things add up after awhile.

I just hope that I'm not the one making an emergency trip to a clinic.

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