military junk

30 June 2006 @ 15:18
my mood

My security clearance paperwork is done. Thank goodness. The bad news is that I probably won't be granted a temporary clearance because of all of my foreign national associates, but the good news is that they won't outright deny me. Really, it's not like they're terrorists.

It's just weird that I put that I met a lot of them online. Will that seem suspicious? Ah, eff it.

Tomorrow morning I leave with the parentals for Nashville. On the motorcycle. Given the fact that I've had flares just about everyday, I'm really not too keen on having a flare on the back of a motorcycle. But it's not like I have much of a choice.

The big thing where a laptop was stolen with a bunch of personal info of vets and soldiers did effect me. I ran my info through a database last night and came up positive.

I mean, they say that the info wasn't accessed and that the laptop has been recovered, but still. Makes me a little nervous.

Must go pack and get ready. Plenty of errands to run before the day is out, too.

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