public grand opening

21 January 2006 @ 01:42
my mood

There were people sitting -- and laying -- on the floor for the Grand Opening tonight. It was crazy. Also, press walked in about 20 minutes into the lecture and wanted to tape the show with the lights on... in a very dark planetarium.

Can we say "light pollution" boys and girls? No? Let's try "really damn annoying" then. Yeah, that's better.

Aside from small children sprawled out on the floor and glaring lights and me attempting to work the slide projectors (never goes well), everything went okay. I even managed to get back to the house just as the Ida kids did. Go me!

One of the professors in the Physics department that I do work for scolded me a bit today. I make Linux boxes for him, and I offered to do the last install over the weekend. Shocked that I would be at the university over the weekend, he asked if I had a life. The short answer being no, I told him so. His reply? Get one!

I didn't feel like getting into the finer points of why I have no social life -- it is rather complicated. I moved during high school, I went to basic training, I moved to go to Akron U, I moved back home, and none of my high school friends know whether I'm in the next county or in Iraq and I kind of like it that way. And I am making it a point to befriend people on campus -- especially coworkers. I just don't live on campus, so it takes awhile.

But, he's right. I do need a hobby. Besides being a geek.

If only it wasn't winter, bleh.

And randomly, from everyone's favorite ESLer, the thing that made me smile today:

I'm feeling so numb, I know nothing about internet stuffs! I'm trying to use a bit torrent program here, seems to be working, but you know, I'm still not downloading anything! *mwah!*

He meant to say dumb.

And yes, he did laugh at himself when I pointed out the mistake.

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