silly baby

16 January 2006 @ 01:33
my mood

Probably the most amusing thing this weekend:

Scene: Aunt, Uncle, C1, C2, C3 and I are out for dinner. C3 and I are sitting together, since I like to chatter and play around with C3. C3 has a weird thing for lining up cars. He doesn't let anyone touch them.

Annie: C3, can I play with your cars?
C3: No! *grabs car out of my hand and slams it back in his basket*
Annie: Please?
C3: No.
Annie: Pretty please?
C3: No.
Annie: Pretty please with a cherry on top?
C3: No.
Annie: You're not going to share?
C3: No!
Annie: But you come over to my house all of the time and we share my toys.
C3: *thinks for a moment*
Annie: *thinks she won by outwitting small children*
C3: *very softly and with a serious look on his face* I'm never coming to your house again.

I couldn't help but giggle. Bobinho.

He'll be squealing in delight when he sees me walking in the door again.

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