crazy travel dream

21 December 2005 @ 15:53
my mood

My incredibly crazy travel dream for this summer: take a bus trip from S�o Louren�o to Curitiba. I'd stop in either Rio de Janeiro, S�o Paulo, or S�o Jos� dos Campos to spend the night, switch buses, or possibly meet up with a few people.

In order to do this, I have to pack incredibly light, limiting myself to one small-medium sized checked bag and maybe a backpack for five weeks. Which is fine, 'cause I don't wear even a quarter of what I pack anyways. And of course I'd be leaving the laptop at home. (It's a pain to take through security and smuggle through customs anyways.) I'd also have to make sure I left room to bring cacha�a, new clothes, and gifts back to the States. I'd also have to secure a Brazilian SIM chip for a cell phone to stay in touch with Andr�, Laryssa, and JP. I'd also have to be sure to have printed schedules, plenty of reais, and know where I could find a good place to crash.

It's a good plan, I think. If I didn't have to deal with the over-protective boyfriend bit, it would all go much smoother.

But that's life.

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