a procrastination entry

28 November 2005 @ 00:15
my mood

I'm procrastinating again. My group has sent a ton of emails back and forth with me, which is great but I'm so unmotivated. I've been doing work in bit and pieces. It'll get done by morning. I'm just hoping that my English paper isn't due in the morning. I don't know what I'll do then.

My leg is hurting me, too. I had read about the pain, the dermatologist had warned me about the pain, but I guess I wasn't expecting it? There's not much anyone can do about it, and there's no telling for how long I'll have to deal with it. Some people have this after-pain for months to years.

People still look at me funny when I say that I have shingles.

I'm so glad for peace and quiet. Seriously.

Part of an email from Mark:

Trumpet playing... in the... house? Yeesh.

'Nuff said.

Part of an amusing exchange between Andr� and myself earlier:

Andr�: �lo?
Annie: Hello?
Andr�: �lo?
Annie: Hello.
Andr�: �lo?
Annie: Hi.
Andr�: �lo?
Annie: Ol�!
Andr�: �lo?
Annie: Oiiiii!
Andr�: �lo?
Annie: Salut!
Andr�: �lo? �lo?
Annie: Tchau tchau!
Andr�: �lo?
Annie: EFFER! I know you can hear me! The connection isn't that bad!!
*bursts of giggling on both end of the line*

He made me laugh so hard that I couldn't breathe.


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