nothing specific

26 November 2005 @ 21:07
my mood

It's Shir's fault. Well, it isn't, but I wanted a change. This wasn't the change I had in mind, but there's always time for that later.

I'll probably go in and tinker with hers a bit more.

The kids aren't back yet. YAY! Seriously, the guys were a pain this morning. Very very loud. And I normally sleep through everything.

The fourth member in my business group has gone MIA again. This is starting to really get on my nerves. It's always one excuse or another with him and he hasn't done any real work for the project. He is going to fail the class and I don't think he cares. At least his performance won't reflect poorly on us.

Thinking about France and all things French related. I still haven't made a firm decision between Strasbourg and Paris.

Paris would put me more central to everything, but cost of living is really expensive. Then again... there would be a lot of culture and nightlife stuff to do, which is a big change from here. And I could visit Paris's sights at leisure, instead of packing everything together all at once. But I want to stay with either a host family or in a residence hall, and I have no information about either. I don't want to stay with a family who is only using me for extra income and I don't want to be all the way out on the edge of the city. I don't have any information about the residence halls, but it would be a good way to meet French students. And I could come and go as I please and cook, so I wouldn't be missing much there. I have the option of having an appartment, but I'd be sharing with an program student. Do I want to be with another American student? Paris has a big expat community, though, which could come in handy.

Strasbourg is smaller, which means that I'd be able to find my way around easier. It's closer to Germany and the Alps and other stuff I want to see/do. It's also less expensive to live there, and it still has a lot of international students. Nightlife? Not sure. Culture? There's a few museums, but I don't know about concerts.

I don't know. I still have time. I should stop obsessing.

Cue trumpet playing, drumsticks on a practice pad, and lots of kids talking about band stuff. Bleh.

I wish I had a pair of cymbals laying around to slam in their ears in the morning.

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