english paper, work, blah blah blah

01 November 2005 @ 23:27
my mood

So, I'm beginning to think that for my challange I should have put managing time better. Because that's probably my biggest problem. And I keep telling myself that things will be easier/better later.

I'm in the middle of working on my English paper. What I actually need to do now is type it out. I have info cited from sources that are citing sources, and I'm sure that's not a good thing. But the other info in the same papers will be more useful later on. Really, they will.

I really don't want to write it. It's on bilingual education, and since I've started researching it I've been undecided. Sometimes it looks like immersion (or sheltered immersion) is better. Sometimes it looks like two-way bilingual programs are better. But it really all depends on what your goals are.

Immersion forces you to learn... but is that really best? It's quite possible to learn things wrong. But if you've been doing it for awhile, you pick up on the patterns and such.

I don't know. I just keep thinking about Andre and how much English he's picked up in the last two years just from being forced to speak English to me. But he's not perfect. And I'm not sure if he would do well academically in an English enviroment.

Yeah, I don't know. Good thing this isn't the final paper.

(I don't think my prof realizes what kind of internal struggle I'm having with this, and it's waaaay to late to change.)

In other news, I've just now started the series of final edits to a children's show that is being presented this weekend. It is not ready by a long shot, and the show? It's early Saturday afternoon. I'm guessing it will take about another five hours of work -- more or less -- to wrap it up. I hope. Wednesday and Thursday are going to be my major work days.

The bad news is that after this weekend, I'll have to tune up the show a little more. The other set of bad news is that this is the only work to be done in the workshop and I'm the only one that can do it.

I deserve an hour of playtime on SciDome on Saturday after the shows. If I can get it to display correctly.

The TV movie looks like it's over. Still have two pages to crank out.

Gosh, I hate this prof.

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