random day

27 October 2005 @ 00:24
my mood

You know you're having a rough day when you walk into work and announce "I'm an idiot!" only to hear "Sorry, job's taken!"

I <3 the planetarium.

I ran out of gas on the way to the university. With AAA but no cell phone, that means standing on the side of the highway hoping someone would pull over. An older gentleman took pity on me and drove me to the nearest gas station. Turns out that he and I live in the same township and he knows my grandmother. Because if you live in my township, you not only know my grandma, you know what church she goes to.

Yeah, I'm a country girl.

Speaking of being a country girl, I'm still having the Paris-Strasbourg debate -- mainly because I discovered that they do not speak German there. Huh, who would have thought?

So, still things to figure out. Other stuff is a little more important than that right now.

Boa noite,

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