such a slacker

25 October 2005 @ 19:32
my mood

The belated two-week here's-where-I-stand checkup:

practicing: 0/0
working out: 0/0
weight control: hit and miss some days

Okay, so here's why:

I just got gainfully employed by the university. I've spent most of my weekends of October in Columbus, so I won't have to go back until December. And because of that I've had the backload of homework of hell that is still not totally caught up.

The good news is that weight control is, well, under control. I weighed in at 143 and met not only the max limit for my age group but the limit below my group. There is probably a good reason for this -- I don't eat well during the school year. (This is more of my idea of weight control -- not losing too much, either.) I did pass pushups. I do know a good portion of my major scales, so there is plenty time.

School work has taken a precedence over this stuff. Bleh.

Still slacking.

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