where's my AT4?

19 October 2005 @ 09:52
my mood

I think that I am once again one of those students. When I walked in this morning to my English prof's office, I was a little shocked to hear "I'm certainly surprised that you showed up." WTF?

To make it worse, I am totally unprepared for anything, half of my work isn't done, and I really don't want to be there anyways. Her teaching philosphy and method just doesn't work for me and it's only making me more and more frustrated.

All I want is for her to leave me alone so I can do my research and do my reading in a manner that I see fit. Instead, she's treating me like an idiot just because I haven't done the work or come to class.

It's suffocating because I like to work by myself, present my work when I'm done with it, and I need very very little guidence... and she's micromanaging our papers. HELLO PROF! I wrote a much much longer and involved paper last semester in an anthropology class -- without help. I did a paper just like this one in high school. I don't want you to hold my hand through this. It's going to be okay. Even if I seem hopelessly behind.

She makes me so angry. I sat in her office and clenched my jaw and cried during our conference. Not because I'm upset with myself, but because she doesn't get it and I can't communicate with her. I'm not exagerating either -- I will say something, and she will say "no, you mean this" and tell me WHAT I JUST SAID, only using her words which really aren't all that different from my words. And I'm frustrated with her, her teaching style, what she's teaching us, everything.

I should have taken that Honors course, even if it was a 0800 class.

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