sunday = waste of time

17 October 2005 @ 01:05
my mood

Sunday? Total waste of time. I should have stayed in bed.

The 0430 wakeup? Didn't happen. I managed to sleep through not one, but two alarm clocks. I think this is a new record.

My mom called at 0700, which woke me up. My squad leader called the house (3.5 hours away) trying to figure out why I wasn't at a 0630 formation. Oops. So, Mom's flipping back and forth between me and my squad leader, trying to give me info as I'm trying to pull on my uniform. The verdict: drive to the statehouse and get on the road NOW.

So, after pulling on my uniform and throwing up my hair I hop in the car to drive downtown. With vague directions and an even worse sense of where everything is in Columbus. And of course all of the streets that I need to be on are blocked off and people are running... but at least I was in the correct general location. Call the bossman again, he's not from Columbus and he has no clue -- only gives me his blessings and tells me to ask for directions.

Keep in mind that I'm in uniform at that point. There is no way that I can just blend into a crowd of civilians. Apparently a lone female soldier attracts the public eye. It seemed that where ever I walked I had a civilian escort. Or was I escorting them?

Found the Statehouse, found the unit. We did the unloading thing and the setting up thing, and before I know it I'm staring at cases thinking "huh, that's odd. None of these are mine." And just as the buses are pulling away and going down the street everyone realizes that my bass clarinet was on the bus and not under the bus. Imagine that.

In lieu of having anything useful to do, I wander off to find hot chocolate. That ends up in me and a few other useless souls becoming the coffee bitches. Hey, at least I got to stand inside instead and stay warm instead of being tied to a chair and FREEZING!

Then, magical squad leader produces my bass clarinet and tells me I'm not allowed to play. Because it's so cold that they're afraid that the wood will split. And I don't get a new horn faster if I break the one I have.

After dutifuly completed my task as the quasi-offical coffee bitch, I guard cases and shake hands. Only to pack up, load up, and be escorted by civilians back to my car where I came to the following conclusions:

I still can't believe no one noticed that I was an hour and a half LATE.


Okay, bed.

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