long rambling on Portuguese and roommates and lyrics

08 July 2005 @ 14:39
my mood

My roommate is great. A little on the airheaded side, but great.

She brought her friend over last night to spend the night. Her friend and I grew up practically in the same town, and while it's nice to talk about the people we know and the areas we know and blahblahblah, I don't have much of a connection with that place anymore. I miss living in town, but not nessicarily that town.

Also, she tried to talk me into moving into the dorms on campus. Because it's $75 a week and you get fed and maid service and all sorts of other nice stuff. Yeah, for $300 a month, that's great. But I live at home for free and I like living with my parents. They feed me, I can clean up after myself, and it's nice and quiet. I have no desire to be in a dorm enviroment, especially an all-girl's dorm, even if it's supposed to be a wonderful bonding experience. I'm quite content to drive the 20 minutes home. Some kids live far away from campus -- why should I be in a room that someone else can use?

Then she found out about Andr� and proceeded to ask lots of mundane questions like "Do you talk to him in Spanish?" "Did you meet him on eHarmony?" "Are you going to move to Brazil?" "Are you guys going to get married?"

Seriously. I know this is a bizarre thing, and I know people are always going to ask questions, but this? This was insane. TONS OF QUESTIONS, ALL THE TIME!

And then, when I'm on the phone with Andr�, she continues to talk to me! Dude, I can understand that your buddy is in the bathroom, but hi, I'm on the phone.

Yeah, I was annoyed.

In other news, I did nine pushups today. That's a big improvement. I'm proud of myself. But, I still have to add 10 to that for a passing score. My situps? Not so good, but once I strengthen my muscles I won't have a problem at all. I rule at situps. Yay me.

Still waiting on test results. Seriously, this blows. I'm a rather impatient person and the medical system in the countryside of Minas Gerais is painfully slow.

But, the good news is that the docs are saying it might be something besides cancer.

I'm starting to lose my accent when I say certain things in Portuguese, like "posso falar com o Andr�?" (Can I talk with Andr�?) His dad is actually responding to me without freaking out. Today he simply said "Pode." (You can.) And I understood! I'm learning more from his parents than they realize. One of these days I'm going to attempt to have a mini-conversation with his dad, which will hopefully consist of something similiar to the following:

"Oi pai! Tudo bem?"
"Bem! E voc�?"
"Muito bom! O Andr� est� en casa?"
"Sim, um minutinho, t� bom?"
"T� bom!"

Only, I'm afraid, I'm quite terrified of being misunderstood or not understood at all. Yes, that's happened before.

And on a closing note because this has gotten quite long (it has been a drought, hasn't it?) and I'm hungry, I will leave you with a snippet of lyrics to a song that has been in my playlist quite frequently these last few weeks:

I'm taking the fire escape
up to the roof
Don't care if it's not the way
you find the truth

At� mais, whenever that may be.

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