banner time!

03 June 2005 @ 00:10
my mood

I realized that I had 14000 banner views that I haven't used. So I'm using them. You should be proud.

So, in case you pay attention to the banners that run, here are mine:

I can say dirty things in Portuguese

Muito goode.

My pillow talk isn't in English

The book is on the table.

My favorite, honestly, is probably the "Muito goode" one. But no one has clicked on it yet, so I guess I have a bizarre sense of humor. The overall favorite has been "I can say dirty things in Portuguese". They must think that they're going to go to a sex diary. Sorry, folks, the sex life (or lack thereof, depending on how you define it!) may or may not be posted somewhere else. Happy hunting!

In other news...

The Brazilian Boy has taught me more Portuguese. But it's not something that would be useful outside of the bedroom. Mais r�pido! might get someone to move faster on the street or in the airport, but mais forte is bound to cause me trouble in public. Along with things like que del�cia! and diabinho...

(I'm surprised that I'm not blushing by now.)

I guess I shouldn't be too disappointed. I am expanding my vocabulary and enjoying myself throughly in the process, so what's the problem?

Besides, it has nice side effects. You can use your imgination on that one.

Boa noite meus amiguinhos,

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