go to bed, 'cause you've been bad

02 June 2005 @ 03:11
my mood

Now, repeat after me:

Go to bed, 'cause you've been bad.
That was tonight's lesson.

Easy, right? Not if you're an ESLer! Andr�, for the life of him, cannot hear the difference between the e in bed and the a in bad. So, when he says "bed", it sounds like "bad". And I am left throughly confused.

The weird thing is that he can mimic the sounds almost exactly. But he can't hear or feel the difference. This might be one of those things where he and I will sit in front of a mirror and talk to ourselves with hands on vocal cords.

In other news, my uterus still hurts. Well, my cervix to be exact. I'm not exactly a fan of this gyno, but my mother and grandmother see him, so he can't be that bad.

Except that he was in a hurry. And called me Stacie instead of Annie, after I had corrected him. Annoying. Also, he basically said "oh! You just need a Pap? You'll be the easiest thing I've done today!" right before he did his thing. He moved so fast that I didn't have a clue to what he was doing. I'm not even sure if he put gloves on...

Ugh. Luck is just not on my side.

Food. Still have the munchies. Boo.

Boa noite,

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