grumble grumble grumble

08 February 2005 @ 01:15
my mood

*mumble mumble mumble*

Ran all over campus to copy 10 effing pages. 10. For one reason or another, copies are $0.10 a piece on campus, unless you have this wonderful little $0.50 card which makes them $0.065 a copy. But when you have $0.90 on your person, that's a little impossible. Nevermind the fact that I couldn't take the reserved material from the library even though the prof said I could. Grr.

Then, I finally go home. No sooner than I sit down to start unwinding before doing homework does the phone ring. It's my manager. I had forgotten that I was scheduled tonight.

So, I go off to work. Two hours late. I'll only be there for three hours.

I had a customer return candybars. Then I had a couple with two seperate (and huge!) orders come to checkout at five minutes to closing. I think the last person left the store at 9:05. Because of a big Copy Center order, the last drawer isn't counted out until 9:50. We're supposed to leave at 9:30.

And I get my mom going through boxes of stuff that I brought over from the old house. Wonderful. She saved all the old love notes from Tim and Rick and stuff from Clayton...ugh. The stuff from Tim and Rick should have been thrown out. And now I'm paranoid that she read through some of my old notebooks.

Yeah, not a good day.

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