Keith and horses

04 October 2004 @ 21:52
my mood

When I had the daily check-in chat with Keith tonight, he mentioned that he felt like a major life-altering change was going to happen to him because he's been having a bunch of fucked-up dreams.

Being a smartass, I made a comment about how maybe Sophon was actually going to be approved by the Embassy for her visa. He brushed it off and didn't really reply to that.

(I need to explain to him sometime that this is how I deal with things: either be a smartass or an emotional wreck. He probably already knows that, though.)

I never did ask him if it was something positive or something negative. Eh, I'll get around to it eventually.

I rode a horse today. Isn't that exciting?

The neighbors bought yet another horse, and are getting much better about feeding them and grooming them and just taking care of them in general. This is a good thing.

Melissa has actually offered to pay me if I help her out with the horses and the kids and such. That would be nice. I like working with the horses and the kids love me, so it would be a good fit. And a little extra cash never hurts.

Mom doesn't seem to be too keen on it though. She said I have no free time. But she's also not the one who's going to Brazil.

I am excited that I finally got to ride a horse. That was nice.

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