I have a connection!

01 July 2004 @ 09:51
my mood

It's the first full day on the road and I officially have an internet connection. Checking email and reading diaries and giggling over webcomics will be my company this morning.

Rooming with Terasita so far hasn't been horrible. She was in bed when I came in last night and has already left to do physical training this morning. This really hasn't given her the opporunity to yap my ear off. She had a bit to drink last night -- nothing excessive -- but after yesterday it seemed like we all needed one.

The weirdest thing is knowing that for the next week or so I'll have an entire bed to myself. No cats, no boyfriend, no bulky pillows. My bed feels empty without a combination of the above. It's nice, suprisingly. I'm sure eventually I'll get lonely. There's not much I can do about that other than just sleep through it.

It's not like I'm here by myself and no one is talking to me. So, it could always be much, much worse.

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