squirming yet?

13 May 2004 @ 00:37
my mood

I drove a little over ten miles today and when I pulled into the driveway, I noticed that something was steaming from underneath the hood of my car. This makes me nervous. The last time this happened I ended up with a blown headgasket. And really, I cannot afford to replace the headgasket on my car again. I'm going to pop the hood tomorrow and hope that I just need to add fluid. My gauges are all fucked up and it's hard to tell when something's wrong...nevermind the fact that I think I need an oil change.

Damn car. But it's the only way out to the real world, so I have to keep the blasted thing.

The good news is that I start work on Monday. First shift, 0700-1500 with no weekends (or overtime or benefits, but who needs those?). The hours are very similiar with those that I had while in OJT with the 399th Band, so it won't be too horrible. I just need to go pee in a cup and buy steel-toed shoes tomorrow. What joy.

With my luck I'll probably start bleeding on Monday and be Miss I-Want-To-Rip-Out-My-Uterus-And-Feed-It-To-A-Pack-Of-Starving-Wolves on the first day of work. Maybe it'll keep all college-age males and/or creepy old guys from coming within a ten foot radius of me for weeks on end. That would be nice, don't you think? Things with penises usually end up getting me in some kind of dilemma.

Now that I have you (yes, you!) squirming in your chair, I feel that I can call it a night.

P.S.: Molly did me...err, did this survey about me.

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