sublet, letter to Infantry

10 March 2004 @ 23:26
my mood

Out of frustration and just wanting to know where I'm going to live in a few months, I decided to sublet an apartment for the summer. Well, if the girl gets back to me. (I should have called.) Due to her move-out date, I'll be in Akron through May. Yay for one more month worth of pay.

This summer is going to be all about exploring Columbus and finding yet another apartment. Maybe I'll start to enjoy moving instead of dreading it.

And maybe I won't hear sirens every day. That might be nice, but scary. I've become used to the sirens.

Sometimes I wish that Infantry had actually written me just for the fact that I would have his address. Before he left for Korea he told me that I would never make it in the city. I often feel an urge on a good day where the sun is shining and the Goodyear Blimp is flying overhead to write him a letter containing only this:

I made it. And I'm planning on moving to a bigger city.

But, I have no address. So there will be no letters to the boy who is somewhere off in Korea, where he has probably had and enjoyed his first kill.

Maybe that was partly my motivation to make it here and to stay here -- to prove to him that I could. Funny how things work out.

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