second day of class

13 January 2004 @ 13:34
my mood

Job search has been sucking, in case you were curious. I'm applying for a job as a graphic designer on campus but since I'm not a design major and I've never done that kind of work before I'm not sure how it's going to work out. So after moving and practicing, I'm going to work on my portfolio. This may involve a trip to a nearby Staples.

In other news, I have finally ran into one of the guys in my unit last night. He is doing student teaching this semester so I don't think I'll see much of him.

Oh, and there's this "class" on my schedule that doesn't really exist. Which makes a nice built-in study time... You know, if I actually had my books here with me.

But, one more class today and then I can do my business and get out of here.


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