right to die

31 March 2005 @ 16:19
my mood

My two cents on the Terri Schaivo/right-to-life subject:

With all the technological healthcare advances that we have made over the last decades, we have forgotten one important thing: people die, and will continue to die.

Sometimes when we put these people on life support, we are only doing it to keep them around for our emotional sake. I don't think that's fair.

I have a living will. I am only 20 years old, but I have a living will. I had it drawn up before all of this business was in the public eye. My parents have living wills. My paternal grandfather has a living will and a do not resuscitate order every time he goes into the hospital. All three of them have made their wishes known to me and each other, and we occassionally discuss them.

I'm not saying I'm a supporter of death by starvation and thrist. That's a horrible, horrible way to go. I would rather be euthanized. Calm, quick, painless. Not drawn out and painful.

Now that that's out of the way, another worthless cent: this whole ordeal was none of the public's business. Move on. Take care of your own family, get your own legal documents drawn up.

Flame on.

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