money money money

27 February 2004 @ 15:39
my mood

Dad gave up on the car and sent it into a garage. Pretending to be a mechanic was fun while it lasted. We were hoping to get it back today but with luck I'll have it tomorrow. At last my car will be fixed and I won't have to constantly worry about antifreeze levels before long car trips. Hopefully this will put an end to the car-related dreams I've been having.

As far as work goes, I am seriously beginning to wonder if and when I will EVER work at WalMart. I'm supposed to have orientation next Wednesday, with drill that following weekend. They might squeeze me in Thursday morning so I'll have more than four hours for that week. (Nothing is going to stop me from enjoying my Friday in Toledo. Nothing, I tell you.) It's slowly becoming irrating when I realize I have to pay rent and bills.

And then with the money issues I want to move to Columbus and continue school and spend a quarter overseas. I think I am dreaming too much.

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