not supergirl

19 October 2004 @ 23:05
my mood

For the record, I hate having "what if" conversations with him regarding the Cambodia trip.

Because we both know that I would have still said nothing, and we would still be having the same pointless conversations.

"B" told me that she hoped it would all work out for the best. That's not a good thing to tell me. I interpret that statement as "I hope she'll fail her interview and you'll move to Columbus and live happily ever after." NOT. Not going to happen. Not in a million years.

I just want it to end.

No more wondering when or if she'll be here.

No more false "she's coming for real this time" warnings to get my stuff out of his house.

No more jokes that tear me up inside.

No more pretending that I'm supergirl.

I'm not supergirl.

I'm far from it.

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