30 April 2004 @ 00:10
my mood

What a day, what a day, what a day.

First, Sophon called and woke Keith and I up this morning. Listening to the muffled voice of an upset woman speaking in broken English is not exactly how I would choose to start a day.

Then, after going out and running some errands, I check my voicemail. My cousin Abby -- who is still in training for Military Intelligence -- says that she's going to reclassify to be an MP so she will be deployed to Iraq. I shrieked a surprised cry loud enough for Keith to hear me on the other side of the house.

About an hour into the drive to Akron, my phone beeps to alert me to another voicemail message. It's my mom saying something about a hospital and to call her cell phone.

Unable to reach her, I try the house where I am told by one Chapter members that my dad blew his knee out and was taken to the emergency room.

That was the point where I realized that I was stressed.

I come home and Mom tells me that they have been to the emergency room not once, but twice in a twenty-four hour period. I thought it was for her gallbladder but it turns out that she has a cyst on her remaining overy.

So, to recap the craziness:

Oh, did I mention I was moving and finding a new job?

Yeah. Just a little stressed.

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