mail.. and stuff

23 October 2006 @ 16:19
my mood

I've gone from body lotion to Udder Cream to hand cream to, finally, hand salve. Which is a little sad, because my body lotion smells really really good. But, hand washing + desert air = unhappy hands.

In other news, my absentee ballot showed up in the mail yesterday (yes, we get mail on Sundays) so I have to sit down and fill it out tonight to make sure that it gets back in time. Apparently when you request an absentee ballot, everyone related to the campaign decides to send you mail. So the mail call email comes out and I get all excited, only to find out that it's all election-related material. Such is life. The bright side is that I have like five boxes in the mail. Yay for that.

Anyways... back to the Spreadsheet of DOOM. And yes, it sucks hardcore.

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